Dolly’s Morning Shakes

My mom has been drinking this morning shake for a couple of months now and swears by it.  She has more energy and just generally feels better through out the day.  So, last weekend while I was visiting she made one for me.  I’m not going to lie, I was very hesitant as she handed me the shake in a glass that I couldn’t see what the shake looked like.  She said, “It’s better if you can’t see it.” lol!  Well, I tried it and to my surprise it was delicious!  By the looks of it, it should taste like something a goat would eat!  I’ve made a couple for myself over the past week and wanted to share the recipe so everyone else can try!


  • 3 leaves swiss chard or kale
  • 1 cup of Almond milk
  • 1/2 cup of coconut water
  • 8 ice cubs
  • handful of blueberries (or any fruit of choice)
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • additional optional ingredients: pine nuts and yogurt

You want the color of the shake to be a bright, lime green.

Place all the ingredients in a blender until ultra smooth. Enjoy!  It’s delicious!  I know what you’re thinking… Leah the pre-natal vitamins have gone to your head… that looks disgusting.  But I promise, it’s really sweet and tastes good!  Not to mention it’s packed with tons of nutritional goodness. 

  • 12g Dietary Fiber
  • 8g Protein
  • 250 Calories
  • Excellent source of Vit A, Vit C, Calcium and Vit K

What a great way to start your day!  I hope you will all try it, I promise you will be pleasantly surprised!